Hi everyone,

We are trusting that 2024 has started well for you and that Easter was a special time with your families celebrating our Lord Jesus.

1 John 3:18

Let us not LOVE with words or speech but with actions and in truth

Love in Action

As Christ followers, we are commanded to love one another, a few weeks ago we were amazed by the kindness of a man who donated a bicycle to someone he had never met. We became aware of a gentleman who was struggling to get to work and church. He walked wherever he needed to go. We put out a request for a bicycle and were astonished when a compassionate person felt the desire to meet this need and donated a brand-new bicycle. This gift was received with great enthusiasm, joy, and gratitude. We wish you many happy miles on your new wheels J

Christian Charity March 2024 | Newsletter 16

Food Parcels

We have distributed 156 food parcels since the beginning of the year. The parcels are given to individuals and families (including seniors) who are battling to provide for themselves. Winter is fast approaching, and we sincerely need YOU to help us stock up on non-perishables.
These are examples of what you can donate:
• Tinned food is always welcomed
• Dry goods like pasta, rice, porridge, maize
• Staples such as tea, coffee, sugar,milk
• Toiletries are in high demand

Acts 20:35

It’s better to give thank to receive

Please consider donating food and toiletry items to this ministry. We rely on the generosity of many individuals each month to continue to support and bless the needy in our community.

Christian Charity March 2024 | Newsletter 16

The Manger Care Centre

In February, 120 Men’s toiletry packs were given to those currently living at the facility as they rebuild their lives. Some have jobs they go out to each day and appreciate the ability to present themselves well.
These were graciously received! We will continue to support the project.

Christian Charity March 2024 | Newsletter 16

Hillbrow Outreach

One of our ongoing projects is a monthly visit to the homeless living on the streets of Hillbrow.
Each month we have an eager and dedicated team who make one hundred sandwiches that are given out with some fruit. Thank you to all who donate towards this. Donations always welcome!

Christian Charity March 2024 | Newsletter 16

Tax Deductible

Rehumele operates as a registered section 18A PBO (Public Beneficiary Organisation). This means that donations that are made by companies and individuals are tax deductible. Rehumele will provide you with a certificate confirming your donations. What a wonderful opportunity to help others. For any kind of donation please contact Debbie on 0833571246

Christian Charity March 2024 | Newsletter 16

Psalm 122:6

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

Please continue to pray with us for Israel now and always!

Christians, this is a command. It’s time to step up like never before
We love you and appreciate all the support.

Debbie and the Hope@Hand team